AIOps Console Ideas

AIOps to be able to trigger DA 2.0 Diagnostic Automata based on cognitive findings

AIOps will receive events, incidents and DA automation execution statistics, SRM data and likely other performance & utilization data. The question is what can we do with it other than just providing a dashboard and purely translating the data to visual dashboard?


We must leverage DA to position AIOps integrated with DA to drive pro-active diagnostics and remediations based on cognitive and analytics/ITOps insights that AIOps will (eventually generate).


Basically the idea of AIOPs is to introduce "AI" into Operational data and generate insights.


The next step is to have the generated "actionable insights" to perform actions

e.g correlation of events based on correlation rules + other algorithms in AIOps which will identify a potential issue. This potential issue should trigger additional diagnostic and/or remediation automata (if the customer has configured this capability)

  • Guest
  • Feb 19 2020
  • Under Review
What business problem do you want to solve?

Position AIOps as a better alternative to ServiceNow by leveraging DA 2.0 and the Cognitive capabilities of AIOps

What is your role? GTS Labs
  • Admin
    PRATHIBHA MOHAN commented
    February 20, 2020 06:54

    DA is part of the special projects and will be considered once CDI 2.0 is ready